The New Rules Of Singles

The New Rules Of Singles

If you feel like you’re losing to players you should beat, players who don’t hit the ball nearly as well as you do, then I want to invite you to pick up a copy of “The New Rules Of Singles,” because inside there are 25 new strategies that have been proven through big data analysis to win you more matches than the “old-school strategies” you were taught.
Price: $47 | Availability: In Stock
Bonus #1: The New Rules Of Doubles

The New Rules Of Doubles
We wanted to put together an awesome deal for you, so we’re also including “The New Rules Of Doubles” when you order today.
Inside “The New Rules Of Doubles,” there are 25 strategies backed up by the analytics that will win you more matches. More specifically, these data-driven strategies will improve your anticipation at the net, allowing you to get more easy put-away volleys and overheads.
Bonus #2: Big Data Serving

Big Data Serving
The deeper Craig dove into the big data, the more secrets he began to tease out of it... The most effective serve and most effective rally strategy actually depended on the scoreline of the game. In other words, the most effective serve to hit, and the rally strategy that you followed up with, would CHANGE if the score was 0-0, or 15-0, 30-30, and so on. And shockingly, what the data told Craig was often completely at odds with conventional wisdom.
So inside Big Data Serving, Craig breaks down exactly when & where to put your first serves and rally shots for every possible game score. Facing a big point like 30-30 or break point? Now you'll know exactly what to do.
Here's what you get when you take advantage of this INSANE deal...
But you can get it ALL today for just $47
The New Rules Of Singles & All Bonuses | Price: $47 | Availability: In Stock